Gotta love it when it finally FEELS like Spring! And today it sure did! We enjoyed the sun as much as possible today, not only because it's not been this warm in we don't know how long, but because rain is in the forecast for the next 4 we spent some good quality time at the park, and will be back again when Daddy gets home. Mommy was not on top of things and forgot to bring the camera (I'll remember it tonight) and so managed to get shots of us out on the back porch with lemonade afterward. FUN! And might I comment on the fashion stylings of one Miss Elena...She said she wanted to wear Sparkles (hhhmmmm, wonder wear she gets that from...) and that it was a good day for Valentine's Day, so she wanted to wear her heart pants. Ok, whatever makes you happy, girl! So there's a picture of that, and our new bunny family...if you look close you can see Momma Bunny hovering over her babies (there's a little white tail sticking out!)...she has 3...SO cute! Oh, and a close-up of Jumpy Squirrel! ;)
(In honor of our beautiful sun today)
Psalm 113:3From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.