Monday, August 18, 2008

Chicken! For Eric...

Eric thinks chickens are cool...he grew up with them, and well, they are really funny birds to watch and listen to. I grew up with them at Grandma and Grandpa Z's in NE...although dreaded them because when Grandma sent you out for eggs, Lord help you in the hen house! Those chickens would peck at you and let you know only Grandma was welcome in the nest area. But OH! did we ever love it when chicks came, because Grandma or Grandpa would herd them up so each of us could hold and pet those sweet, yellow here's a picture of Roxy, Janice and Rick's chicken that runs about their farm. Seriously, the chicken hangs out with their dogs Kohn (as in Ghengis Kohn, he is THAT big) and Joey, and the cats...wild!

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