Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Next Day in MN

We had a good amount of free time on Friday, so Loni treated me to some of her old stomping grounds, going to a fun lunch place, getting to finally see Bessie's Boutique - one of the best places to shop, and not just for pageant wear! We also went to a "hole in the wall" with the best deals on clothes ever, and then onto our favorite restaurant in St. Paul...W.A. Frost! Some

Funnies were:

When we were hanging out talking to Mrs. Georgia, her director, and Bessie, they realized that I was standing perfectly under Bessie's sign, making me look like I had a crown on my head!

Driving from one place to another, we found what we call "the Bank of McDonalds"...the McDonalds was in an old bank building...HILARIOUS!

While enjoying our dinner at W.A.Frost, we spotted the MAN Purse!

That night in our hotel, I ordered a bottle of wine to be delivered up, and the concierge asked me if I wanted a glass...I repeated that I was ordering a bottle and he said, "yeah, do you want a glass, too? " As Loni would say, "OH GOOD GRAVY!!!"

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